About Us

Advance High Rise Building Cleaning LLC

Excellence in Property Maintenance

The owners Passion for delivering high quality service and product along with hiring hardworking conscientious people is what makes Advance the respected Corporation that it is today.

Advance set out to provide its clients with a complete array of building maintenance services all delivered from under one roof. the theory behind which affords our clients and projects significant cost savings, time consolidation and quality control.

It has been over two decade since the owners began to implement their passion through Advance, quickly establishing a reputation for excellence in the industry.

With the Advance philosophy and ideas based on its founders innovation, determination, foresight and experience, this business continues a tradition of excellence in Dubai.

The mission of Advance is to continue our growth finding new projects ultimately bringing peace of mind to our clients. Successfully delivering and exceeding our clients expectations is out continuing goal.

If You Have Any Questions, Contact Us


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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)